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Bayerische Milchindustrie eGPlace(s)
Sophia AntipolisPostDoc Toxicologue Recherche NGRA (F/H/X), Sophia
Pharmaceutical industry
Published Over 4 weeks ago
Bayerische Milchindustrie eG
Die Bayerische Milchindustrie eG ist ein führendes Unternehmen der deutschen Molkereiwirtschaft. Unser breitgefächertes Sortiment hochwertiger Milchprodukte stellen wir in neun Produktionsbetrieben in Bayern, Thüringen und Sachsen-Anhalt her.
Position Description
In the context of the new toxicity testing paradigm based on more (animal and human) cell-based assays and a comprehensive mechanistic understanding of cause-consequence relationships for adverse effects induced by (agro)chemicals, your role will be to develop, implement and apply new alternative methodologies (NAMs):
- Design, develop, and implement new in vitro methodologies and complex in vitro assays to predict potential in vivo adverse effects
- Establish toxicology and business relevant mediumto highthroughput in vitro test systems able to mimic the in vivo situation in order to quantify the risk in human beings
- Utilize advanced technologies to study biological and molecular processes: e.g., apply relevant biomarkers and use image analysis for quantification, perform biological assays to monitor cell behavior and function
- Biologist or Scientist with a PhD degree related to tissue engineering, biotechnology, systems biology, toxicology, or related disciplines.
- You have strong expertise in cellular models and morphological-molecular profiling. Proven hands-on experience with a variety of cell-based models and experience with different readouts along with state-of-the-art of imaging methods and molecular biology (immunostaining, confocal imaging, qPCR, flow cytometry, toxicogenomics etc.) will be looked at. Experience in toxicity assays with hepatocytes/neurons and/or experimental characterization and (ideally, mathematically description) of dose/concentration toxicity pathways would be a plus.
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